قراءة كتاب Julie of the Wolves
المؤلف : | محمد عمر عبدالله باصلاح |
القسم : | تعليم اللغات |
اللغة : | العربية |
عدد الصفحات : | 93 |
تاريخ الإصدار : | غير معروف |
حجم الكتاب : | 0.4 ميجا |
نوع الملف : | |
عدد التحميلات : | 193 مره |
تريد المساعدة ! : | هل تواجه مشكله ؟ |
تحميل كتاب Julie of the Wolves pdf 1972م - 1443هـ Julie of the Wolves MIYAX PUSHED BACK THE HOOD AFTER HER SEALSKIN parka and looked at the Arctic sun. It was a yellow disc in a lime-green sky, the colors of six O'clock in the evening and the time when the wolves awoke. Quietly she put down her cooking pot and crept to the top of a dome shaped frost heave, one of the many earth buckles that rise and fall in the crackling cold of the Arctic winter. Lying on her stomach, she looked across a vast lawn of grass and moss and focused her attention on the wolves she had come upon two sleeps ago. They were wagging their tails as they awoke and saw each other. Her hands trembled and her heartbeat quickened, for she was frightened, not so much of the wolves, who were shy and many harpoon-shots away, but became of bet desperate predicament. Miyax was lost. She had been lost without food for many sleeps on the North Slope of Alaska. The barren slope stretches for three hundred miles from the Brooks Range to the Arctic Ocean, and for more than eight hundred miles from the Chukchi to theBeaufort Sea. No roads cross it; ponds and laces freckle its immensity. Winds scream across it, and the view in every direction is exactly the same. Somewhere in this cosmos was Miyax; and the very life in her body, its spark and warmth, depended upon these wolves for survival. And she was not so sure they would help. .
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