قراءة كتاب بعض المصطلحات القانونية مترجمة
المؤلف : | مجموعه مؤلفين |
القسم : | علم القانون |
اللغة : | العربية |
عدد الصفحات : | 14 |
تاريخ الإصدار : | غير معروف |
حجم الكتاب : | 0.2 ميجا |
نوع الملف : | |
عدد التحميلات : | 293 مره |
تريد المساعدة ! : | هل تواجه مشكله ؟ |
تحميل كتاب بعض المصطلحات القانونية مترجمة pdf 2016م - 1443هـ English a matter of law a report issued by the cabinet (movable) personal chattel a decision issued by the minister in charge a depository bank a justified revocation of acceptance a matter of fact a negotiable document of title a real estate lending security fund A rejection or other refusal by the buyer to receive or retain the goods a shareholder company a technique adopted in many comparative systems a third person a warranty by the seller that A warranty under subsection (2) shall be excluded absolute contract absolute sale Accessory Commercial Transactions According to the bill, all registeries should be kept by the Depository and Book-keeping Company as indicated in activity of the company in charge of the central depository and bookkeeping of securities .
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